Good that you have Clomid and Nolvadex on hand use them as per the PCT 1 in the article section on this site.
The creatine in the Ventus products is very little 300mg that is 0.3g too little to have an effect in your body. I did query them on it they responded like I thought they would. Creatine is very inexpensive and they use so little to act as a filler to make the powder easier to handle instead of other companies that use rice flour or corn flour it is simply a choice.
I have used Ciccone RAD 140 since it was launched up to end September and I was not dissapointed I did notice slightly better results on Liquid Pharmaceuticals RAD 140 I can not comment as to why that is as I also do not know and any ccomment would be speculation. I also used Ciccone Mk677 from launch till start July also had simmilar results as on mk677 from LP and HD labs.
So go ahead bud run your cycle but maybe run two separate cycles to compare results from different manufarctures for yourself. Just keep your variables the same like days training and calories and diet keep that the same also keep aditional supplements the same on easch cycle.